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town clerk中文

用"town clerk"造句"town clerk" in a sentence"town clerk"怎麼讀"town clerk"的同義詞


  • 鎮公所秘書長。
  • "town" 中文翻譯 :    n. 湯〔姓氏〕。
  • "clerk" 中文翻譯 :    n. 1.(銀行、公司等的)事務員,辦事員,職員,管理員 ...
  • "the town clerk" 中文翻譯 :    市政府秘書
  • "clerk" 中文翻譯 :    n. 1.(銀行、公司等的)事務員,辦事員,職員,管理員;〔美國〕(商店的)店員。 2.【宗教】教會文書,執事。 3.(團體等的)秘書。 4.〔古語〕牧師,教士;識字的人,學者。 a town clerk市政府的公務員。 a bank clerk銀行職員。 a correspondence clerk處理信件的秘書。 a clerk of the works 監工。 clerkin holy orders 牧師,教士〔英國教會的正式用語〕。 clerk of St. Nicholas =St. Nicholas's clerk 盜賊,路劫。 C- of the Weather 風伯雨師;〔美謔〕氣象臺長。 vi. 擔任事務員[職員];〔美國〕做店員。
  • "clerk it" 中文翻譯 :    當店員
  • "s clerk" 中文翻譯 :    文件事務員
  • "in the town" 中文翻譯 :    在城鎮
  • "in town" 中文翻譯 :    城鎮; 在城里,在鎮上; 在鎮上
  • "town" 中文翻譯 :    n. 1.鎮,市鎮,城鎮〔狹義:大于 village (村)而非 city(市)的地方。廣義:和 country (鄉村)相對而言時,不獨 city和 borough (自治市),連 urban district 市(區)亦可稱為 town。有 market 或 fair (市集)的小于 urban district 的村落,亦稱為town。 美國 New England 各州把相當于 city,無行政機關,僅有 town meeting 的自治市稱為town;其他各州的 town 則相當于 township 的 2. 義〕。 2.〔the town 〕 城鎮居民;全體居民。 3.〔不用冠詞〕城市;市區,商業中心區。 4.〔蘇格蘭語〕小農場內的房屋;〔方言〕村,小村莊;土撥鼠的巢。 a county town 縣城。 the town (附近的)市鎮;鎮民,市民。 The whole town knows of it. 鎮上的人沒有一個不知道。carry a town 洗劫市鎮。 come to town 到京里[城里]來;出現,登場;入伙;發跡,成功。go down town 〔美國〕到商業區去,買東西去;〔俚語〕成功。 go to town 1. 進京,上省,進城。 2. 〔美國〕去市區買東西;過浮華生活;會活動;有聲望。 hit town 到達。 in town 在京城里,在省上[城里],〔英國〕在倫敦。 jump the town 逃亡。out of town 已離京[城市],〔英國〕不在倫敦;已到鄉下。 n. 湯〔姓氏〕。
  • "luggage clerk; baggage clerk" 中文翻譯 :    行李員
  • "a bank clerk" 中文翻譯 :    一位銀行職員
  • "access clerk" 中文翻譯 :    貴重物品保管員。
  • "account clerk" 中文翻譯 :    會計文員; 帳務員
  • "accounting clerk" 中文翻譯 :    會計文員來源:考試學習網; 會計員; 記帳員; 記賬員; 收入費用結算員; 往來款結算員
  • "accounts clerk" 中文翻譯 :    帳務員; 賬戶員
  • "accreditations clerk" 中文翻譯 :    記者登記員
  • "administrative clerk" 中文翻譯 :    行政辦事員
  • "advertising clerk" 中文翻譯 :    廣告文員
  • "article clerk" 中文翻譯 :    (會計師、律師等職業單位的)學徒, 職工
  • "articled clerk" 中文翻譯 :    見習律師; 見習職員
  • "associate clerk" 中文翻譯 :    書記
  • "audit clerk" 中文翻譯 :    查收助理員; 查帳助理員; 查帳佐理員; 助理查帳員
  • "auditing clerk" 中文翻譯 :    審計員
  • "authorised clerk" 中文翻譯 :    出市代表


  • He said , with rich acrid utterance to the assistant town clerk
  • The sympathetic personage like the town clerk queried
  • It was time for the town hall to close . as anderson was leaving , the town clerk spoke to him
  • Martin cunningham spoke by turns , twirling the peak of his beard , to the assistant town clerk and the subsheriff , while john wyse nolan held his peace
  • And the town clerk , having quieted the crowd , said , men of ephesus , which of you men is there then who does not know that the city of the ephesians is the temple keeper of the great artemis and of the image fallen from zeus
  • After quieting the crowd , the town clerk said , " men of ephesus , what man is there after all who does not know that the city of the ephesians is guardian of the temple of the great artemis and of the image which fell down from heaven
    徒19 : 35那城里的書記、安撫了眾人、就說、以弗所人哪、誰不知道以弗所人的城、是看守大亞底米的廟、和從丟斯那里落下來的像呢。
  • Acts 19 : 35 and the town clerk , having quieted the crowd , said , men of ephesus , which of you men is there then who does not know that the city of the ephesians is the temple keeper of the great artemis and of the image fallen from zeus
  • John wyse nolan fell back with mr power , while martin cunningham took the elbow of a dapper little man in a shower of hail suit who walked uncertainly with hasty steps past micky anderson s watches . - the assistant town clerk s corns are giving him some trouble , john wyse nolan told mr power
  • Qianjiang serve as the economic center of chongqing ' s southeast district , the sub - transport junction of chongqing ' s southeast district under chongqing main - transport junction . lt is cry for carry through building and programming of framework big alleyway , let qianjiang main city be provided with optimal location and the most convenient traffic condition , building qianjiang as the " jacket collar sheep " of chongqing ' s , southeast district economy , it is accord with the integer benefit of chongqing ' s southeast district , tactic orientation of chongqing ' s southeast district economic development and request to qiangjiang development which town clerk , townhall institute
    黔江作為渝東南地區的經濟中心、重慶主樞紐下渝東南的次級樞紐,迫切需要進行骨架大通道的布局規劃和超前建設,使黔江主城在渝東南地區具有最佳的區位和最便捷的交通條件,把黔江建設成為渝東南經濟的“領頭羊” ,符合渝東南發展的整體利益、符合市委、市政府對渝東南區域經濟發展的戰略定位和對黔江發展的要求。
用"town clerk"造句  


  • the official who keeps a town''s records

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